Share the Savior

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Actively Engaging Christians in Evangelism!

At Share the Savior, we view support as anything that affords us ministry opportunities.  Therefore, it’s not all about the money.  In fact, we’ve identified eight ways you can collaborate with us, and only two would require a financial commitment.

Feel free to contact us with any questions you might have, as you consider supporting our work by...

Asking God to meet our needs

Buying something online

Creating a partnership


Our Gift to You

Choose any of these ways to support us, and receive a free gift.

Executing an online search

Feeding yourself spiritually

Giving financially

Hosting a support event

Donating your time

Share the Savior is glad to receive direct donations or indirect financial support.  As a registered 501(c)(3) corporation, direct donations to Share the Savior are tax deductible.  Here are three ways to support us financially. 

Direct Donations

General Financial Gifts: Whether you make a one time donation, occasionally send a contribution, or commit to ongoing support of a specific size, your gift will be used by our ministry to meet current and future financial obligations, including staff salaries.


Directed Funding: You can choose to have a specific stake in the ministry of Share the Savior.  Our Directed Funding Program allows you to select one or more particular aspects of our work to support.  You decide how much to donate and exactly where it goes.  To find out more or to receive a current list of projects that need funding, please contact us.


Indirect Financial Support

We’ve established a ministry registry at an online book store for material that could be beneficial to our work.  Just like buying a gift for someone’s wedding, you can visit the site, select an item to purchase on our behalf, and it will  be shipped directly to us.

Visit Our Registry


It can be said with great conviction and some embarrassment that the man who founded Share the Savior has met many Christian men and women who prayed with more diligence and more faith.  We are looking for some of those people to support this ministry through prayer.

Our process for this volunteer work is very simple.  Christians who partner with us in prayer will receive, on a regular basis, the needs of the ministry.  We’ll also include how God has answered the petitions taken to him on our behalf.  If this sounds like the kind of help you’d like to offer this ministry, please sign up below.

GoodShop: You Shop...We Give!

We don’t want you to consider buying something online just to support Share the Savior.  But if you do shop online, here’s a few options to consider that will pay us when you make a purchase, and not cost you a dime extra.

Prayer is critical to this ministry and we covet your prayers.  If you would like to participate on a more informal basis, read through our site.  You’ll find more than enough to pray about.  God doesn’t need you to receive a prayer list from us before he will listen.  When you pray, he hears and always responds with amazing grace.

Become Our Prayer Partner
Enter Email:  

The next time you plan on purchasing something online, try going to GoodShop first.  Click on their logo (or this link), find the ‘List of Stores’ drop down menu, and see if your store is listed.  If it is, follow the link to the store and shop like normal.

Ask God to Meet Our Needs

Give Financially

Buy Something Online

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Our Gift to You

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It is important to us that Christians be able to share their faith story with clarity and respect.  Therefore, we want to offer you assistance in this area as our way of thanking you for your support. 

We would be glad to review your testimony of salvation and offer any suggestions we think might be helpful.  We recommend telling it in such a way that a non-Christian reading it would understand how to become a Christian.  Send your story to us either by email or postal mail and we’ll get to work on it.

If you are unable to write a testimony of your salvation, we would love to help you too.  Simply contact us and let us know you’d like to take us up on our offer.  We’ll get in touch and work with you until your story is able to be shared with others who don’t know the Savior.

And, if you’re content with how your testimony is shared, you may give this free gift to a friend.  Just have them give us your name when they get in touch.


Free Gift offer expires December 24, 2011

Create a Partnership

When a Christian trusts us enough to let us interact with a friend, who is not convinced about Christ, a gospel partnership is formed.  That partnership can be a win-win situation for all concerned.

The Christian may learn something from us that will help with their future evangelism efforts.  God may use the partnership to move the loved one toward Christ, and Share the Savior benefits because we’re given an opportunity to advance our mission.

Here are a two ways this partnership can form:

1. Introduce them to our sister site - It’s designed to get people thinking and asking questions about the Christian faith.  Visit it yourself, see if one of the articles might be of interest to a friend, and then tell them about it.  The logical follow-up, is to ask them what they thought about it.  Just that easily, the ‘partnership’ has introduced a spiritual discussion into your relationship.

2. Introduce us personally - Maybe they’ve stumped you with a question.  Ask if they’d mind an introduction to someone who might be able to answer!  We could all chat via email, get together for coffee, or speak on the phone.

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What if you could raise money for Share the Savior by doing something people do every day — searching the Internet?  You can!

GoodSearch is a search engine, powered by Yahoo, which donates 50-percent of its revenue to the non-profit designated by its users.  You use GoodSearch exactly as you would any other search engine. The money they donate to Share the Savior comes from their advertisers — it doesn’t cost you or us a dime!

Execute an Online Search

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GoodSearch: You Search...We Give!

The Eleven 12 Project (our WordPress Blog) features articles to encourage evangelism efforts, training tools for sharing the gospel, information about upcoming Christian conference promoting spiritual growth, Ministry Partners that can assist in the equipping, and much more.  Here's how following our blog helps support us.

Knowing that God may be using something included in the newsletter to promote a Christian’s spiritual growth is tremendously encouraging, and having an opportunity, to train believers, is one of the core goals of our mission.


Visit the Eleven 12 Project or get updates automatically

Feed Yourself Spiritually

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To get an idea of what our Prayer Partners receive, before making up your mind about supporting us in this way, you can read one of our recent Prayer Partner Newsletters.

Donate Your Time

Time is precious.  Talent is personal.  Together, they portray a critically important gift to this ministry; the volunteer.

We’re preparing a list of volunteer opportunities and perhaps one of them will be right for you.  If you’d like to find out what’s available so far or just want to be notified when future opportunities come up, contact us and let’s find out if we can work together.

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Our goal is ministry!  Ministry costs!  If you’ll host an event for your friends, we’ll provide resources to help them be more effective sharing their faith, and share different ways they can support the work of Share the Savior.  Interestingly enough, we have eight different methods people can support us, and only two of them require giving financially to us.

Host a Support Event

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Promise Checks has a great assortment of checks which can be customized to help you share the gospel.  I’ve used them for nearly ten years and have always had good service.

Bibles, Books, Music, DVDs, Gifts & More.  Not always the least expensive but they have a HUGE selection and excellent service.